from a dream to reality...
Having kids is a blessing. They bring us joy, teach us compassion, and patience. The Bible says that offspring are a reward from God! Because of this, God cares about how children are raised and nurtured. With that being said, we as parents want to make sure our children are healthy and are consuming the daily nutrients needed to help them grow into intelligent, strong, and healthy little superheroes!
Before I became a mom, I didn’t think it would be hard to get my kids to eat food. They are young, how do they know what is delicious or not? I never knew one day my toddler would refuse food they JUST ate yesterday!
It started to stress me out because my second child was eating just fine until she saw her older brother refusing food. Monkey see monkey do. She then started to refuse food because she thought something was wrong with it since her older brother didn’t want to eat it. (AHHH help me!)
One thing they always asked for was juice! Orange juice or apple juice, both loaded with bad sugar and have no fiber.
That’s where I came up with Little Picky's. We all know kids should get their daily nutrients from food but if you have a picky eater, one that has a chronic disease (where they can't absorb nutrients), on a vegan diet, or lactose intolerant, well Little Picky's is here for you. It's a perfect sidekick for your little superhero by helping them fill in the gaps left by a normal childhood diet to support their over-all health and to save the world! Also a delicious alternative to juice that's loaded with sugar. Dosage was created around the recommended daily intake where my kids can take it up to three times a day.